
Hey, I'm

Welcome to My Website

I'm a full stack developer based in Delhi, India. I have a passion for web development and Machine Learning. I love to create web applications.

This is My System

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
Pursue Passion, Not Paychecks
Learn Everyday
Believe in Change
Invest in Ideas that Matter
Be Crafty, Lovable, Systematic, and Relentless

About Me

Being in the field of development, understanding problems and coming up with original solutions is something that comes naturally. I love to identify problems and come up with the best and most optimal solution.

I run triathlons on days I have time to spare.

I prefer my coffee and tea black. I just hope that this does not qualify me as racist.

Thats enough information to get started with. Don't You Think?

My Journey So Far

My Skills

Client Side

HTML HTML | HTML 5 | Canvas | SVG
CSS CSS | CSS 3 | Bootstrap 3 | Bootstrap 4 | Materialize
JavaScript ECMA 8 | jQuery | JQueryUI | HandlebarsJS | AJAX
SPA ReactJS | Redux

Server Side

JavaScript Node JS | ExpressJS | SocketIO | TypeScript
SQL MySQL | SQLite | ORM-Sequelize
NoSQL MongoDB | RedisDB | ODM-Mongoose | Neo4j
Unit Testing Mocha | Chai | IstanbulJS
Authentication OAuth 2.0 | JWT | JWE | PassportJS

Artificial Intelligence

Data Handling Numpy | Pandas | Scipy
Data Visualization Matplotlib | Plotly | GGPlot2 | d3.js
Data Scrapping Beautiful Soup 4
Machine Learning Scikit Learn | Tensorflow | PyTorch | Keras


Java Java Core | Java Swing | Java FX | JDBC
Version Control Git | Github
Deployment Github Pages | Heroku | Digital Ocean
Linux Ubuntu
Automation RASPI | Arduino
Containerization Docker | Kubernetes

Quantum Computing

SDKs Qiskit | Cirq
Quantum Assembly OpenQASM 2 | OpenQASM 3
Programming Languages Q#

Connect With Me!

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Made with & by Saurabh Singh Bazzad in India.

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